Thursday, December 4, 2008

How to Install a 3 Prong Electric Dryer Power Cord

The following installation guide is brought to you courtesy of

What may seem like a tough task is actually quite an easy job for any homeowner to undertake. By following the steps outlined below you will have that new dryer up and running in no time!

1. First, determine the correct type of cord needed for your installation, this will usually be determined by the type of wiring that is existing in your home. When you look at the outlet you will notice that there are either three or four holes (most commonly called "prongs"), based on this you will need to purchase the corresponding cord, three-prong or four-prong cord. This guide is only for the installation of a 3 prong cord.

2. Remove the electrical access panel on the back of your dryer.

3. If not already done for you, remove the knock out located near the electrical access panel that allows for the installation and securing of your cord.

4. Separate the 3 wires of your cord and secure to the electrical block, center wire goes to the center terminal, and other two wires onto the terminals and each side. (refer to picture)

5. Install the cord strain relief clamp onto the cord and the knock out hole.

6. Re-install the electrical access panel. That's it! Your dryer is ready for use.

Looking to purchase a 3 prong dryer cord? Click here to view the selection at!

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